00:30:55 Penny France: Apologies for lateness we are at the start of an LA Ofsted inspection!!!! 00:37:40 Belinda Athey: How to implement this fairly with support staff. 00:37:40 Glynn Stirling: Parent attitudes to job share classes in primary school 00:37:42 Denise Bryant Bryant: Additional costs to school 00:37:44 Helen Vyse: Continuity for the children 00:37:45 Alison Randall: The need for consistency for some classes, especially those with SENd. 00:37:45 Penny France: Perceptions of equality 00:37:46 Kelly Wilkie: I am enjoying the challenge of flexi working for my team the thinking required really stretches me and my team and has created lots of interesting debate and discussion 00:37:46 Nicki Harris: concern - parental resistence 00:37:49 Amelie Thompson: Concerns - ensuring consistency for the pupils. 00:37:49 LIZ RYMER: Timetable restraints and complications, greatly helped by introduction of new TT software - Edval 00:37:49 Gemma Rehal: Parental attitudes 00:37:50 Martin Fenton: When teachers work part-time it can cause conflict between teachers sharing a class. 00:37:54 Beckie Murphy: happier teachers... initially lots of additional staff to manage 00:37:55 Shoab Uddin: Concerns around consistency and impact on pupils when we have job share/part time staff 00:37:55 Kuda Mika: Implications on the timetable and setting a precedent 00:37:56 Jane Rigby: Timetabling 00:37:58 Josephine Hallas: Inconsistency of staff members in class. 00:37:59 Gemma Rehal: View of Governors 00:37:59 Catharine Darnton: We have tried job shares but these have caused problems because the two staff have separate contracts so causes real issues when one leaves. 00:38:02 Beckie Murphy: parental concerns 00:38:04 Helen Haunch: People requesting hours that don't suit the business. 00:38:04 Paul Davies: Fairness - I would like to let staff leave early if they have PPA Period 5; however, it is not consistent or fair. Staff do not all have PPA at that time 00:38:13 LIZ RYMER: All want Fridays or Mondays 00:38:15 Kelly Wilkie: Belief that its significantly more expensive - MYTH! 00:38:16 John Salberg: Teacher utilisation pressures 00:38:16 Glynn Stirling: unrealistic teacher expectations of prep work at homw 00:38:18 Nick Long: I think it is about being proactive - to ensure it is costed properly - harder if ad hoc. 00:38:20 Rachel Ross: replacing the working pattern if they move on 00:38:25 Jolene Jacobson: difficulties at at middle/senior management level 00:38:26 Jane Rigby: Ensuring students aren't affected 00:38:33 Shoab Uddin: Logistical nightmare (past work case scenario) 00:38:34 Tony Smith: One issue is the need for strong relationships and there is a conflict with some esp. SEND students in adapting to lots of change and lots of people. 00:38:35 Beckie Murphy: SLT tend to absorb the impact 00:38:40 Penny France: Bank holidays have lways been a challenge!!!! 00:38:51 Gemma Rehal: Opportunities for team working 00:38:56 Amanda Moody: Support for children who need consistency from the adults who support them. e.g consistent support in a morning, behaviour management etc. 00:38:56 Shoab Uddin: Implications with PPA, meetings, directed time 00:39:00 Himisha Patel: line managers not on site, means someone else having to deal with issues within that team 00:39:08 Josephine Hallas: End up with more staff to allow greater flexibility 00:39:10 Kelly Wilkie: Mindset/cultural shift needed across all stakeholders 00:39:11 Helen Haunch: Ensuring everyone can attend relevant training. 00:39:12 Beckie Murphy: day off if only one day or part day it is difficult to cover absences 00:39:13 Glynn Stirling: everyone wants time off for childcare - feeing of unfaorness for those without children 00:39:14 Alison Randall: Opportunities for cpd, meetings 00:39:20 Denise Bryant Bryant: CPD and expectations 00:39:33 LIZ RYMER: increases on costs 00:39:38 Des Lee: Lack of Fairness - may not be as appropriate or relevant for some staff 00:39:51 Gemma Rehal: Balance between individual flexibility and fulfilling job description 00:40:02 Sangeeta Jerath: Effective IT 00:40:25 Michelle Bates: What about fulfilling the directed time that teachers are expected to complete as part of their contract 00:40:39 Glynn Stirling: friction between job share staff being managed by SLT 00:40:41 Kelly Wilkie: Working part-time but still expected to complete full time commitment 00:41:13 Glynn Stirling: part time teachers not recognising that communication and keeping self up to date is vital for success 00:41:13 Peter Tang: Managing flex requests becoming a burdensome task itself 00:41:15 Tracey McCarley: Wanting to work flexibly but keep all responsibilities and leadership role 00:42:31 Kelly Wilkie: different ways of working needed to aid communication - staff responsible for seeking it out as well as SLT responsible for getting it out there 00:42:51 Peter Tang: we are a 3 00:43:15 SAQUB SHEIKH: All my schools where I have worked in over 20 years...it is always a score of 1 or 2. 00:43:34 Glynn Stirling: it is easy to be pro-active (5) when you have proactive staff 00:43:35 Paul Davies: 3 00:43:56 SAQUB SHEIKH: I would be very interested to see how schools who score 4 or 5 cope with the practical aspects 00:43:58 Tony Smith: Depends on the role and the ability to support it but about 3 00:46:43 Glynn Stirling: teachers pay and conditions document make flexible working VERY challenging - there have never had as many comments about directed time as there have been in the last 6 months due to COVID. teachers are more and more likely to express they do not believe they should be working at home out of work time - PPA time very rarely provides enough time to do everything - so where does the extra funding come from to support this? 00:47:52 SAQUB SHEIKH: Small schools make it virtually impossible (teachers and SLT) Easier for non teacher roles. 00:51:41 Glynn Stirling: More straight forward to be flexible in secondary schools as teachers deliver in subjects so children move between teachers. In primary the parents expect one teacher to be responsible for their child 7 00:55:14 Alison Randall: Why are child care needs not a requirement for male staff. This is putting more pressure on female dominated professions and not supporting everyone's need/wish to have work/life balance. 00:56:34 Clare Harding: If meetings/CPD are recorded to support part-time staff - when are they expected to view them? In their own time? 00:56:52 John Salberg: Surely flexible working is much wider than simply supporting part time staff. The flexibility needs to be around working hours, expectations, protected time etc. We must as a education system be much braver than simply trying to answer the flexibility question with a standard part-time solution. 00:58:44 Glynn Stirling: There has to be more funding to support true flexibility in schools - if you offer flexibility then there is a gap somewhere that needs to be filled. 01:01:07 Julian Nicholls: Could some time be given to some of the questions / comments by the audience? 01:02:45 SAQUB SHEIKH: It is recognised that large schools are more able to accommodate flexible workings and the 2 panellists reflect this. What will be interesting if there is a small size school (less than 1000 pupils) as this severely restricts options sadly. We all want to support our staff but it is not possible always sadly. 01:03:09 Glynn Stirling: Is this another secondary school? I would like to hear from a primary school where flexible working is manageable on a larger scale. 01:03:30 Penny France: I would agree - what about a one form primary school? 01:03:58 Claudia Cubbage: We have 800 students and have staff with late starts, early finishes, job shares, online meetings, resources and CPD. We advertise job shares and hours to be negotiated. Parents are the bulk of these positions. Other staff resent parents asking for additional time off for their children as it adds to others workloads. Its usually the same staff who ask frequently which adds to unfairness hence the need to enforce unpaid leave for some. 01:04:35 Clare Harding: Primary is a whole different ball game. The size of the school seems to have an impact too. 01:04:54 Diane South South: Infant schools and secondary schools are so different 01:05:01 Penny France: Yes and the direct link to funding also 01:05:42 Mandy Coalter: Next speaker Primary - Infant and junior 01:05:46 Michelle Bates: Cover in a primary school is massive and starting to have a huge impact on the budget or the wellbeing of Grade 4 TAs who cover 01:06:08 Clare Harding: If you have abudget that can stand any sort of cover costs! 01:06:24 Paul Davies: Interesting comments about remote parents evenings. Great for staff and 'middle class' parents but our most disadvantaged families did not engage - we worry that this practice will lead to their dis-association with school. Attendance at face to face events was always stronger and positive from this group 01:06:36 SAQUB SHEIKH: As a Head, I closed my school on Friday at 1200pm and this gained so much positivity and our retention levels soared. Longer weekends was well received. This is an easy option to do. 01:07:20 Timewise Foundation: If you click on the 3 dots just above where you type in Chat, it gives you the option to "Save Chat" 01:23:09 Clare Harding: Where does the money come from to meet requests? 01:29:22 LIZ RYMER: Historical agreement so expecting this for ever 01:34:39 Glynn Stirling: Maintained schools must follow LA frameworks which reduces the ability to be flexible 01:39:19 John Salberg: We need to look outward and look at examples of how business embrace and support flexibility. Too often we feel as though in education we have too many limitations, but this is a key cog in solving the recruitment issues we have. So we must find an answer but the answer is not just truly support part time. It is about understanding and changing the culture where wellbeing and life circumstances are considered and support in all areas. Todays session has shown how far we need to go. 01:45:16 SAQUB SHEIKH: Thank you for the webinar including the presenters who shared their journeys. Very useful. 01:45:45 Shoab Uddin: Thank you. Lots of food for thought and action! 01:46:28 Kelly Wilkie: Thank you - its exciting to be on the cusp of exciting change! 01:47:08 Glynn Stirling: Something that will accelerate progress in this area is changing the aptitudes and expectations of parents 01:47:19 Sue Gill-Daintith: Thank you! 01:47:47 Richard Walthall: thank you 01:48:20 Fiona Stevens: Thank you. Would it be possible to discuss financial implications for primary schools with very little budget to cover what we would like to offer