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Flexible working fixes

Inclusion and diversity

Having a range of ages in the workplace brings diversity, mutual learning between colleagues and a balance of experience and fresh ideas.

UK Commission for Employment and Skills


What has flexible working got to do with inclusion and diversity?

For some groups of people, the ability to work flexibly is critical. Many women, older workers, single parents and people with physical disabilities or mental health issues can only work if they can find a part-time or flexible role. As a result, they can end up stuck in low-paid jobs or unable to work at all.

Why is this an issue for employers?

Most employers have inclusion and diversity targets – and widening participation from groups like these can help achieve them. But it’s not just about hitting a magic number. The benefits of having a workforce that reflects society are well-known, and forward-looking employers take it seriously.

So what should you do?

Design flexible roles that suit a wide range of employees. Be open about it when you’re hiring, to encourage applications from a more diverse pool of talent. And make sure the roles are available throughout your organisation, so your flexible employees can go all the way to the top.

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