Timewise Foundation Logo

Making flexible working work for you your business your employees your stakeholders everyone

We’re a social enterprise with commercial expertise, working with employers, policymakers and influencers to create stronger, more inclusive workplaces, powered by flexible working.


people work for employers where we have improved access to flexiblity

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of our workshop participants say they will take action to change their flex working practices

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of jobs in the UK are now advertised with Flex, as tracked by the Timewise Flexible Jobs Index

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Clients We Help


What’s the impact of bringing flex to frontline roles?


Part-time works. A new podcast from Timewise X Phoenix Insights.



Can shorter days call “Cut!” on film crew burnout, without busting budgets?


A Question of Time: What’s happening with part-time working in the UK?


Flex Positive Programme

Get your business future-fit, to manage new ways of working

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